paw Digital


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Apa itu PAW?

PAW adalah mata uang digital terdesentralisasi yang menawarkan penyelesaian hampir instan (<1 detik) dan transaksi hemat energi.
Ini juga membangun model penghargaan baru yang memungkinkan pertumbuhan jaringan yang cepat saat menggunakan TGS untuk konsensus.

Model Hadiah Bukti Pertumbuhan

Model hadiah gratis penambangan yang mendorong pertumbuhan jaringan

Tidak seperti Proof-Of-Work yang mendorong pertumbuhan jaringan secara tidak langsung melalui hadiah blok, Proof-Of-Growth secara langsung memberi insentif pada pertumbuhan jaringan. Mirip dengan penambangan, setiap 10 menit hadiah PAW baru tersedia dan dibagikan di antara semua peserta yang berkontribusi pada pertumbuhan jaringan dalam berbagai bentuk (misalnya pembuatan konten, undangan orang lain atau mengoperasikan suku).

  •  Tidak ada pengecualian melalui penambang yang kuat, kurangnya pengetahuan teknis atau sumber daya.
  •  Semua orang berkontribusi pada pertumbuhan jaringan
  • Tidak ada pemenang yang mengambil semua. Setiap orang mendapat hadiah sebagai bagian dari kontribusi mereka
  •  Pemerataan pasokan hingga 2025

Fewer participants will result in higher rewards for each participant. More participants will result in fewer rewards for each participants.
The reward amount every 10 minutes is fixed and with more people joining the rewards each participant can earn continues to shrink.

PAW Features


Instant irreversible settlement.

Zero fees

Send PAW to anyone anywhere in the world with no fees.

Infinity Chains

One blockchain per account with asynchronous send and receive allowing for instant settlements.


A DPOS/TRG model for consensus allows for an efficient transaction model that no longer relies on mining or Proof-Of-Work for confirmations.

Tribe Gather System (TGS) aka DPOS

Fast transactions with little energy expensure

TGS is a consensus model in which users pick a tribe that will decide on their behalf on the legitimacy of a transaction.

For every transaction tribes will gather and decide if a transaction is valid. The transaction will be added to the network when 67% of the tribes agree on the validity.

A tribe’s decision weight is determined by the amount of PAW it represents.

TGS does not require mining and therefore comes with many advantages: e.g. very little energy usage and fast confirmation of transactions.

The Paw-Universe!

Pick your pawnimal and join the PAW-niverse.

The PAW-niverse is constantly expanding.

Series 1 comes with a selection of 12 paw-nimals.

Each pawnimal can come in a different color.


PAW’s distribution model:

Total Supply: 340B PAW

80% – 272B Coins: Proof-Of-Growth Rewards
10% – 34B Coins: Expenses
10% – 34B Coins: TeamExpenses include: exchange listings, servers and other bills
Team: pays for the continous development and is split among all team members.

There are no presales or airdrops to reduce any unnecessary sell pressure.

Get Your PAW Wallet

Choose the wallet you prefer biome or biota.Online Wallet


Overall data of the proof-of-growth implementation.

Reward Time

Next reward in <1 minutes.


Currently at distribution #1684 (every 10 minutes).


Next reward will be split among 33 participants


Next reward being distributed: 1,294,834 PAW


Total Participations: 106,899

Last Cycle Reward

Invites: 55,394 PAW – Nodes: 4,480 PAW
Content: 228,384 PAW

PAW Benefits

The benefits of PAW


$2-60 network fees

  •  Rewards exclusive for miners
  •  30-60 minutes settlement
  •  Slow with mining
  •  Decentralized
  •  Indirectly incentivized network growth


$0 network fees

  •  Rewards for every participant
  •  Irreversible settled in seconds
  •  Efficient with no mining
  •  Decentralized with adoption
  •  Directly incentivized network growth


$15-120 network fees

  •  Rewards exclusive for miners
  •  Selesai dalam 10 menit
  •  Lambat dengan penambangan
  •  Terdesentralisasi
  •  Pertumbuhan jaringan secara tidak langsung memberi insentif

Pertanyaan yang Sering Diajukan

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